The Pigeon Park Relay in Birmingham is held to raise money for women’s education in South Sudan, one of the poorest and newest countries in the world.

The relay will be around the stunning central Birmingham park location, which is around 0.3 miles and takes around 6 minutes to walk. This means you can run, walk, hop or skip to enjoy each circuit as you raise money. The relay is open to people of all abilities, ages, individuals and teams.

If you want to enter the relay, please click here, where you can select to participate for one or more hours.

The event will be held over 25 hours from :

7pm on the Friday 7th October to 8pm on Saturday 8th October 2022.

It is open to everyone.

You can support the event in the following ways:

Get Involved in the Pigeon Park Relay


Press and Public relations

Help Organise

The Route

The route will around Pigeon Park which is in central Birmingham and contains the city’s Cathedral.

Pigeon park, Birmingham
Pigeon park, Birmingham

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